
May 12, 2021

Make Him Your Friend. You’ll Need His Advice.

Every girl needs a bestie that’s a guy. I’m talking about Jesus. As a single woman you cannot afford to navigate relationships without a close friendship with Jesus Christ. Think about it. He alone knows your future. He know…
May 5, 2021

Don’t get divorced before you get married!

Set yourself up to enjoy a peaceful marriage that brings out the very best in you. I tell you a few things to do in this episode to make sure that happens. P. S. ( I forgot to put this in) : I mention in this episode that …
April 28, 2021

10 Things to Ask Yourself About Him

So you met a man. He likes you and you think you might like him. But you’ve been down this road before. There are some men you’ve liked in the past that turned out to be total nightmares. How do you protect yourself from tha…
April 21, 2021

Rules for getting engaged: 5 ways to show him that you respect yourself

Respect is earned. Every day we send subtle messages and clues to others that show them how to treat us. Could you be sending messages to men that you never intended to? Find out in today’s episode.
April 14, 2021

The First Years: Get Him to Open Up-Train your Tongue for Marriage

Men don’t talk. You will find that having a ‘deep’ conversation with a man about his emotions or something he holds sacred is rare. Even after marriage. But there is a way to get a man to open up. There are things you can do…
April 7, 2021

Why you need to be careful with online international dating

It’s true that there are exceptions to every rule. Unfortunately, too many times as women we believe that our case will be the exception. There are many cases of women being used & mistreated through international online dat…
March 31, 2021

The First Years: The one skill your husband won’t have

The First Years is a series that gets you ready to thrive in your marriage. There’s no greater thing you can do for your future marriage than by being knowledgeable and prepared. The first 3-4 years of marriage are a challen…
March 24, 2021

Why How Much A Man Makes Doesn’t Matter.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to marry a successful man especially if you are older & have achieved some things in life. However, be careful about making it the most important thing on the list. His devotion…
March 17, 2021

Interview with a bachelor: Meet Jeremiah a southern gentleman, business owner & single dad with a great sense of humor.

There are great Christian men out there. I do the ‘Interview with a bachelor’ series to encourage single women to not settle. There are no perfect men. But there are men that share your values, and will do their best to r…
March 10, 2021

What to do with a broken heart

God never intended for you to go from relationship to relationship until you find the right one. He never intended for you to suffer a series of broken hearts 💔 until one great guy comes to sweep you off your feet. Do you k…
March 3, 2021

3 Advantages of Being a Single Woman Where the Women Outnumber the Men

I live in the Atlanta area. There are a lot more single women than single men! If you live in an area like that, realize that it isn’t something that should concern you the least bit. First of all, think about it. Which do …
Feb. 24, 2021

Rules for Getting Engaged: Phone Etiquette

What does How often you talk to a guy How long you talk to him If you give him your number or take his have to do with getting engaged? There are subtle things that women can do to keep a man interested longer and with more …
Feb. 17, 2021

3 Signs That He’s Not That Into You.

Relationships can be confusing. Even more confusing is when you aren’t sure if you’re even in a relationship. Do they like you? Sometimes it seems like they do & sometimes it doesn’t. Are you making it all up in your head th…
Jan. 6, 2021

Listener Spotlight- HELP, the men aren't coming !!

In today's episode I give candid advice to a beautiful, intelligent, single woman that is having problems meeting men. Do you have a question, you'd like me to answer anonymously? Click HERE to send me a voice message and y…
Dec. 30, 2020

Chemistry is FAKE!

Yes, I said it. Yes, it's true. This year, resolve to not be moved by what you see or feel. Not everything (or every one) is as it seems and not every emotion is to your benefit. You owe it to yourself to gaurd your heart t…
Dec. 22, 2020

Live your life by DESIGN not by DEFAULT.

Pretend today is December 31st, 2021 & it was your best year ever! What specific things would have to happen in the following areas of your life for you to say that? 1. Spiritual 2. Social 3. Career 4. Money 5. Fun -Don’t sk…
Dec. 15, 2020

How to answer nosy family members during the holidays

How do you tell well-meaning family members to stop asking you about your love life? With a lot of respect and finesse! P.S. If you love listening to this podcast please write a review. By doing that, you help the podcast …
Dec. 8, 2020

6 things I’ve Learned in 6 Years of Marriage

I had just celebrated my wedding anniversary at the time of this recording . It’s been an amazing 😍 6 years! God has been good to us and we are so grateful for His leading. Did you know that the Holy Spirit will talk to you …
Dec. 1, 2020

Don’t date devils- Felicia’s story

Don’t ignore warning signs ⚠️ ⛔️ ! The goal is not to be married. The goal is to be HAPPILY married. Listen to Felicia’s true story and see how to avoid the mistakes she made.
Nov. 24, 2020

Rules for getting engaged- The day you cook for him is the day you lose him.

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” WRONG At least, not the kind of man you want to build a beautiful marriage and legacy with. The day you start cooking for a man is the day you start losing him. Find out why…
Nov. 17, 2020

Bad Boys- and the Good Girls That Love Them.

There are women who, if you asked them on a Saturday night , couldn’t tell you where their husbands are. There are women that periodically get calls from the county jail that they have picked up their husband. There are wome…
Nov. 10, 2020

Marriage Myths: You are waiting on God for a husband

Listen to this episode to find out why you should NOT be “waiting on God” for a husband. Scripture References He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.- Proverbs 18:23 He who did not spare his …
Nov. 3, 2020

If you don’t have this, don’t marry him! Even if you love him.

There is something that many of us don’t consider when it comes to choosing who to marry. This thing will make or break your marriage. It is more important than love. It will determine how happy you and your husband will be.…
Oct. 27, 2020

Toxic traits- “Dottie Doormat”

Most of us have toxic traits that cause us to keep repeating the same unwanted patterns in our lives. Those traits can sometimes also cause us to keep attracting the wrong type of men. But there’s hope. Anything that can be …