
April 20, 2022

What to Do While You Wait

Waiting to meet THAT person is one of the hardest parts of being single. Here's some encouragement and practical tips on the best way to maximize that time. Let me know if it helps you!
April 13, 2022

5 Ways To Attract A Christian Guy

I get asked these questions a LOT. "How do I meet Christian guys?" "How do I get them to notice me?" I give some tips to try in this episode.
April 6, 2022

3 Signs That He Might Cheat

You don't have to cross your fingers and hope for the best when it comes to choosing a life partner. There are some definite qualities to look for in a man that if found give you the potential to experience heaven on Earth i…
March 30, 2022

You Don't Owe Him Anything

Don't feel obligated to continue talking to any man that you sense may not be right for you. Cut to the chase and disappear. I show you how in this episode.
March 23, 2022

The First Years- The Key to Getting Him to Open Up

Men don't talk. Well, sure they will talk about sports and hobbies and work.... But what about their dreams, things they dislike, or what their thinking. When you get married, it can seem like they talk less and less as time…
March 16, 2022

The ONE thing you have to do before marriage

Really. How are you? mentally emotionally spiritually financially physically socially Rate yourself honestly and get to work.
March 9, 2022

Do You Want a Prayer Partner or a Prayer Point?

Nobody has the time to spend their married life praying for their husband to make some drastic changes. Talk to some married women. You can't change a man. When choosing the right guy make sure your eyes are wide open and yo…
Feb. 23, 2022

The Easiest Way to Avoid Heartbreak

You can't avoid a broken heart. It comes with the territory right? Once you put yourself out there, it's just a matter of time. Someone will crush your heart and hurt you so bad that it will completely immobilize you. This i…
Feb. 16, 2022

Are you available?

Sure, you want to get married but are you available? I mean, really and truly available. Before God can bring one of His good men into your life, you have to be available. Check out this episode to see what I mean.
Feb. 9, 2022

3 Things a Man Can't Do For You

A man can support you. He can help you, guide you and love you. A man can even inspire you, build you up and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. However, there are 3 things he cannot do for you. Listen to this …
Feb. 2, 2022

He Loves Me…. He Loves Me Not

Have you ever wondered if a guy really cares about you? How can you tell if he really loves you? If this episode I give you two simple ways to put him to the test
Jan. 26, 2022

Interview with a Bachelor- Meet Rawlings, A Medical Doctor Who is Actively Preparing Himself for Marriage

Yes Girl. There are men that want to do dating and marriage God's way. There are men that are preparing to be a husband just like you are preparing to be a wife. It's refreshing! He's not the only one so don't settle!
Jan. 19, 2022

Whatever You Compromise to Get, You Will Compromise to Keep

No one is worth you compromising your integrity or the things God has for you. No matter what, stay true to who you are & to Gods word. Speaking of not compromising, don’t ever compromise the quality of man that you believe …
Jan. 12, 2022

Questions to Ask While Courting about Temperament

What is your temperament? Can you live with someone very different from you? These are very important questions for you to know the answer to before getting married. Find out your temperament here: https://www.temperamentqui…
Jan. 5, 2022

Will You Like Him Ten Years From Now?

You're not the same person you were ten years ago. There's a very big chance that you won't be the same person you are now, ten years from now. How do you make sure that you choose someone that fits your future? I give you 3…
Dec. 29, 2021

3 Things that can stop you from reaching your goals

When setting goals, set at least 1 in each of the categories below. To be truly happy, your life needs balance. If you focus only on success and neglect fun it will affect you . Nine core Areas of life: Spiritual Family Mi…
Dec. 22, 2021

Tailor-Made Temptations

Tall Confident Sophisticated Very Handsome Tatooed Bearded Muscular Cocky Wealthy Is there a "type" of guy that always seems to get your attention? Is that "type" of guy a weakness for you? Meaning that you ignore their bad …
Dec. 15, 2021

Three Things to Forget in 2022

You really have what it takes to have an amazing year . Buuuuuuuuuuuutttt You have to be intentional. One of the ways, is to forget about certain things. I'll start you off with three.
Dec. 1, 2021

Your house ….,your choice.

When you get married how do you want the atmosphere of your house to be? Tense Joyful Peaceful Spiteful Believe it or not, you will be the thermostat in the home. The woman has the power to control the atmosphere with her wo…
Nov. 24, 2021

Three Things You Should Never Let A Man Do.

The other day I heard a story of a man that strung a woman along for 10 years. He kept promising they would get married & that things would change but it never happened. Finally, out of frustration she left him. Good for her…
Nov. 17, 2021

If He Does This..... Put Him on the Reject List!

Darling, You need to keep a running reject list going. There are men that you don't have to entertain or give a second chance to. There are things that they do that should land them in "dating jail" and on your reject list. …