March 10, 2021

What to do with a broken heart

What to do with a broken heart

God never intended for you to go from relationship to relationship until you find the right one. 

He never intended for you to  suffer a series of broken hearts 💔 until one great guy comes to sweep you off your feet. 

Do you know the Bible never mentions dating? It talks about courtship. Two people intending to get married. 

Which is why I teach to have multiple male friends at the same time until one stands out as ‘the one.’

Imagine if, in your last relationship that didn’t work out, you had remained only friends? Walking away would not have been nearly as painful.

The problem with pain is that it doesn’t go away on its own or with time. 

Buried emotions don’t go away. They just come out at the wrong time. 

So what do you do with a broken heart? 

Find out in this episode.