Nov. 24, 2021

Three Things You Should Never Let A Man Do.

Three Things You Should Never Let A Man Do.

The other day I heard a story of a man that strung a woman along for 10 years. 

He kept promising they would get married & that things would change but it never happened. 

Finally, out of frustration she left him.

Good for her.......but she had given 10 years to an unhappy relationship.

Most times, women stay in such situations because they feel they've already invested so much time into the relationship.

It's hard to let go of something familiar even if its hurting you.

We tell ourselves:

What if I don't meet anyone else?
What if he changes for the better & I gave up too soon?
It's too late now, let's just see what happens.

However, as a woman you have to take your life into your own hands and make it what you want. 

You don't have the power to change anyone.

If you meet a man that acts in a way you don't like, RUN.

RUN before you fall in love.
RUN before you get pregnant & bring innocent children into the relationship.
RUN before you lose your self-worth.

Don't make excuses. 
Don't try to help him. 

Visualize yourself in a committed happy marriage with someone that adores you and thinks you're worth it.  

This episode tells you 3 things you should never let a man do & helps you to recognize  warning signs.