Sept. 29, 2021

The Man That Sins WITH You........Will Sin AGAINST You.

The Man That Sins WITH You........Will Sin AGAINST You.

Don't let anyone lie to you,

All sex outside of marriage is bad.

A man the commits fornication with you is an adulterer in training.

Harsh words?

Well, think about it.

If he can't control himself while he's single, will he "magically" learn to control himself when he gets married? 

God's rules and boundaries are for your protection. Every time.

You deserve more so wait for better.

There is a godly man out there that would never ask you to compromise your standards or God's laws.

Make room for him. 

Scripture reference :
Galatians 5:19 NKJV

19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: [a]adultery, [b]fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,