Oct. 6, 2020

Rules for getting engaged: Play hard to get but easy to live with

Rules for getting engaged: Play hard to get but easy to live with

Never smother a man with love. 

Instead, leave him wanting more of you. 

Men initially will pursue you with hot fire 🔥 but they also lose interest quickly. The key is not to give him too much of your time and attention. Give him a little at a time. 

Remember, men are hunters. There’s nothing more satisfying than chasing and finally getting what they want. 

Don’t be roadkill - already dead, available meat they don’t have to work for. Show him your value by making him pursue you. Be a challenge. 

That challenge you present will cause you not only to get a proposal, but he will continue to respect you once you are married. 

Find out how in this episode.