Sept. 1, 2021

Open Your Heart to These Five Men

Open Your Heart to These Five Men

To be more exact: open your heart to these five TYPE of men.

I started this podcast because I made A LOT of mistakes as a single woman. 

One of them was that I thought I had time. I let men waste my time & I wasted my own time because I still felt & looked youngish. ( the picture on my podcast cover art was taken when I was 40)

As a result, I didn’t get married until I was 35.  My husband is amazing 🤩 but getting married later has its challenges especially when it comes to fertility. 

God loves you & is for you but we have to use common sense. Why have unnecessary prayer points! 

This episode will show you the type of men you should give a chance to in order to increase your chances of getting married sooner & happier.