Aug. 25, 2020

Interview with an almost ex-bachelor - Meet Eyram who gets married in two days & find out what makes men propose!

Interview with an almost ex-bachelor - Meet Eyram who gets married in two days & find out what makes men propose!

Eyram is a rare find. He’s the type of guy that will help you with a smile even if it takes him out of his way. He will pick up other people’s slack without complaining and serves God with everything he has. He’s ambitious but doesn’t take himself too seriously and is kind and respectful to everyone regardless of their socio-economic status. He’s got characther overload. 

I caught up with him 2 days before he got married and he spilled the tea on what made him propose and why he chose Kandace, his bride-to-be. 

In this episode, he sheds some much-needed light on what goes on in the male mind when it comes to engagement and what you can do to snag a great guy like him.