Aug. 11, 2020

Interview with a bachelor- Meet Gus, a business man in Georgia that mentors boys and will have you wishing for his social media handles!

Interview with a bachelor- Meet Gus, a business man in Georgia that mentors boys and will have you wishing for his social media handles!

“There aren’t any good men out there” 
- says the average single woman 

- says the Husband Factory 

There are plenty of good men out there and every few weeks I endeavor to interview one for your listening pleasure. 😂

 (side note: if you know a good man that should be on the podcast email us at  

Believe it or not, no matter where you live, good men are around you. 

By good, I’m not talking about compatibility and personality- that is based on individual preference. 

A good man is a man with good intentions that has developed good character  and has a track record for honoring women. 

Sometimes, the problem is we are looking in the wrong place, sometimes the problem is that we put too much emphasis on chemistry and sometimes the problem is that our lack of self-esteem keeps attracting the wrong type. 

At other times we have been so hurt that we expect to be disappointed. And that’s exactly what happens. 

At the end of the day, men treat us how we allow them. 

Gus is an intelligent, hard-working guy with a big heart. He is very busy in his church and is actively preparing himself to be a good husband. On top of all that, he’s handsome and works out several times a week.  

Hmmm mmm. 

Ladies take heed, DO NOT SETTLE!