Oct. 13, 2020

Dreams and Deceptions

Dreams and Deceptions

Have you ever had an important decision to make and wanted so desperately to hear from God?

Knowing if someone is right for you is one of such decisions.

The trick is to cultivate the ability to hear from God BEFORE time.

God loves you very much and wants you to know  His will for your life. He wants you to avoid danger and He wants to show you all the good plans He has for you!

Because He’s such a loving father, He has given us ways to know His will.

Please don’t ask for a sign and don’t be deceived by dreams and supernatural occurrences.

In this episode I tell you my own experiences with dreams and deceptions. For example, for years I dreamed and heard a voice that a former boyfriend was going to be my husband. I had a track record of my dreams coming to pass, so I didn’t bother to date any one else. We lived in different states and had lost all communication (no Facebook either) so we didn’t know what was happening in each other’s lives.  I later found out that while I was dreaming & hearing this man was going to be my husband that he was actually already married with 3 small children 😱. Meanwhile, I had wasted years being deceived and not dating.

The primary way God speaks to us is not through an audible voice or through dreams it is through His word. “How You Can Be Led By The Spirit of God” by Kenneth E. Hagin is an excellent resource to help.

P.S. Please email me at thehusbandfactory@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments. I’d love to hear from you!

If you want help with your morning devotion please talk to your pastor. If you are not connected to a church you can try a group I’m involved in every morning at 6 AM EST at www.dcgeorgia.org/prayer

Scripture References
1 Corinthians 14:10 KJV: There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.

Matthew 16:5 NLT: Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign,

Ecclesiastes 5:3 (NKJV) For a dream comes through much activity
Ecclesiastes 5:3 (NIV) A dream comes when there are many cares,

Proverbs 11:14 KJV: Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers there is safety.


1. If you have a dream or supernatural occurrence that really troubles you please speak to a pastor or spiritual mentor about it.

2. If you have dreams about snakes or other sea creatures or dreams of you and someone else cutting your palms and mingling your blood or you dream yourself having sex when you aren’t sexually active in real life please speak to your pastor about it. Such dreams shouldn’t be ignored but you also don’t have to put up with them or any negative effects they may pose.   

Jesus died for you to be free!

That is Satan taking advantage of your ignorance. The following books will help you know your rights as a child of God:
 The Triumphant Church by Kenneth E. Hagin and The Believer’s Authority  by Kennth E. Hagin