Sept. 30, 2020

“Don’t date devils”- Allison’s story

“Don’t date devils”- Allison’s story

Allison was tired of waiting to be married. 

Have you been there? Friends, family, and co-workers getting married 👰🏽  while you watch on the sidelines (or from the bridal train).

I have never been the jealous or desperate type. I remember in my 20s always being genuinely happy for anyone that was getting married and being excited for my own turn. 

Even at 30, I was still hopeful. I looked younger than my age and was in great shape so no big deal. 

At 31, I started asking questions. Mostly of God.  I also started dating men I probably wouldn’t have looked at before as a Christian woman. 

Allison made such a mistake. She was tired of waiting & married someone after knowing him only a few months. She could not have imagined the horrors that awaited her. Only a few months into the marriage she discovered what a grave mistake marrying out of desperation is. 

Please don’t rush and please take the time to study any man that comes into your life. 

Please also be brave enough to walk away from anyone that is toxic. Time won’t change them and you CAN’T change them. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. 

Good things are worth waiting for. Things and people of value are not common. You don’t find rubies in the gutter.