Dec. 8, 2020

6 things I’ve Learned in 6 Years of Marriage

6 things I’ve Learned in 6 Years of Marriage

I had just celebrated my wedding anniversary at the time of this recording . 

It’s been an amazing 😍 6 years! 

God has been good to us and we are so grateful for His leading. 

Did you know that the Holy Spirit will talk to you about your spouse,? He will hep you understand them and will show you how to love and respect them. 

Simply amazing. 

But you have a part to play too. You have to educate yourself on 

  • What  it means to be a good wife
  • What God is going to be grading you on as a wife
  • How to protect your home from satanic attack 
  • How to respect your husband
  • How to effectively communicate with each other
  • How to fight fair 
  • How to pray for your husband and your marriage
  • How to stand in faith together 
  • Money in marriage- avoiding conflicts 

etc.... the better prepared you are BEFORE marriage the better the chance that your marriage will be heaven on Earth. 

I will do podcast episodes eventually on the list above to help you out . ❤️